Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Well, after being out of town and subbing for 7 weeks I have finished my first in a series of lawn chair paintings. This one is quite large (12x36) and now I'll be embarking upon a journey to paint 3 more much smaller versions of different lawn chairs (4x12). I want to finish these pretty quickly and get on with Grant's portrait which he finally sent (a picture that I'd nagged him about for almost a month) after much ado. I just want to be able to paint every day so I can make some money at the Lakewood market show. I'm also aiming at showing some of my portraits at the Cedars Open Studio Tour next month - that means I have to get with it and start painting every day!


  1. These chairs are wonderful. Paint more!!! I really like the size of the canvas.

  2. All that is missing is a strawberry daquiri!
