This was only the second portrait that I'd attempted. The painting was so whimsical, just like the tiny Zoe. I was able to capture her intelligent, sweet look and get the forshortening of her arm just right. Wish I'd done it in oils. Maybe I'll have to do her again.
You really caught the sweet expression on her face. If this were my little girl, I'd hang it over the mantel and treasure it forever. Really amazing for your second portrait! and in acrylics no less!
I was born in Dallas, Texas quite a while ago. Went to school in Dallas and college in Denver,Colo. Now I live in Highland Park, a small suburb of Dallas.
I worked for DISD for 30 years and now I'm starting my second profession. Started this blog to showcase some of my paintings and hear from others. Especially those who like what they see!
To purchase any of my paintings, please contact me at:
You really caught the sweet expression on her face. If this were my little girl, I'd hang it over the mantel and treasure it forever. Really amazing for your second portrait! and in acrylics no less!