You might be wondering why I'm painting in a book! It is actually a moleskine! Not the kind you put on feet to alleviate blisters. Moleskine, as in journal like Hemingway wrote in and other famous people. This is a project that I was excited to begin. In December some artists that I belong in a group with had lunch at Cheesecake Factory and our leader, Angela ,told us about a group she was a part of that painted in molskines and then sent them off to another artist who would do the same and so on. She was awaiting hers as we sat there eating. By the time you get it back, it is full of fabulous paintings, drawings and such! Well, we all decided to do this in our little group and this is the first entry in my own moleskine. It was a little messy and strange to gesso water color paper and I finally figured out how to keep the paint off of the whole book - did I mention that I'm messy? It is also challenging to paint small - I mean a one hair brush!! This is my result - and I am proud of it! It will take a while to dry but should be ready to pass on to Ann by the end of February. My theme is "sides". Any side: seaside (my own favorite),countryside, East Side, West Side, any kind of side you can think of. I wanted it to be very flexible. Can't wait to see what becomes of it. Linda is kind enough to start a blog for us and that is where I will be posting the rest of my paintings. I'll let you know more when I do.
Thank you for looking at my blog.
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