Thursday, September 30, 2010

09/30/10 The KIDS

Well, we had a harrowing evening at the studio! Suzy heard a loud POP and the lights went off - she called some people and we had Oncor out this morning. Turns out it was a wire on the outside!!!! Oh well, we have defrosted and cleaned out the little refrig and I plan on getting to the big one. NO food poisoning for us!
Decided to put more color into Kaitlyn but it made your eye jump around too much! Scraped it off and made a new color and applied! I think I like this.
Worked on Beth Anne's curls and got 'em! This is pretty good - hope their parents like it!!
Thanks for your patience and for looking at my blog!

09/30/10 Little Kaitlyn

This is a portrait of my neighbor's grand-daughter, Kaitlyn. She is 23 months old and so cute. I am not sure about the background. I didn't care for the solid pink and this bluish shade helps but I think I will add some more color to it . You will certainly see the result.
Thanks for checking out my blog.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

09/29/10 John Jr. and Beth Anne

This is a portrait of two of my little neighbors. I have a few finishing touches to put on Beth Anne's hair but it is pretty much finished. This one was a challenge because there were no strong shadows to help with their features. I had fun doing this one!
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at my blog.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

09/23/10 Rick Rainey

Worked hard on this picture yesterday and he came together in about four hours! It is undistinguishable as Rick but I'm sure he will know it is him. Does that make sense?
Thanks for checking out my blog.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

09/19/10 Covered Bridge

Ran down to the studio this morning to deliver some paintings for the show. While there I wired a couple of paintings and signed others. This little fall picture I put the finishing touches on and signed. Now I am off to Greenville, TX. to pick up paintings from a show. I will take some pictures to put on the studio blog so everyone can see how they look!
Thanks for looking at my blog.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

09/18/10 Covered bridge - still on the easel

Spent a nice day at the studio painting with Grant, Gail, Karen and Sharon. One of our former studio members stopped in to say hello and visit. It was good to see Donna. I can't help thinking about Kay Wyne's daughter tonight - she is getting married. Congratulations Lindsay.

This little painting will be ready for the Hyer Carnival in October. I need to work up some inventory. I spent some time framing and getting things ready for the Wine Therapist. We will be hanging on Tuesday and I haven't completed enough runners. I wanted to have six or more runners from the East Dallas area to display. I have about four done and ready to go. Oh well, I can always hang them at the Lakewood Home Festival.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

09/16/10 On The Easel

Just began this little covered bridge from a photo taken three years ago when I was on a Fall Foliage Tour with some friends. Thought it would look nice displayed with the Vermont Country Store.
Tomorrow is my last day subbing at Lakewood and I am SO ready to get back to my painting. We have to hang a show at the Wine Therapist on Tuesday and I have a LOT to do. I will also be going up to Greenville, Tx. to pick up our paintings at the Rally Around Greenville show on Sunday.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

09/15/10 The Champ

I was totally stumped on what to add to this picture to give it some spirit. Sharon suggested that I add some highlights --- and I did! It looks like confetti after she won the race. At least it conveys a happy spirit.
Thank you so much for taking time to look at my blog.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

90/12/10 The Champ

I had a lot of trouble getting my computer to work tonight. I have tried several times to post this blog - don't know what is going on.
I am disappointed in the background of this picture. I really wanted Lindsay to POP and it doesn't.
Any suggestions? I tried a green and it looked like Christmas! No good.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog - any suggestions are welcome - and a double thanks to you!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

09/07/10 Lindsey - Warrior Dash- on the easel

This is a picture for our up-coming show at The Wine Therapist. It was from a shot that the coach, and a friend of mine, from Lakewood Elementary, had after last year's Warrior Dash. She might kill me but she is so cute and joyous that I couldn't resist! I really got the mud very well. The mud made the arms difficult because I had to define her muscles in something other than flesh tones. I think her "guns," show well. As you can see I have tried some different colors for background and I kinda like that pthalo blue color. Any suggestions would be welcomed.
Thanks for checking out my blog on this dreary, soggy day.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

09/04/10 Carolina pines

I painted the background last weekend and took out my palette knife and some impasto and just had a blast! These trees are in my nephew, Dr. Michael McNally's, back yard in Greenville, North Carolina. I had admired how Suzy had painted her aspens and Kay did her colorful trees so I attempted this almost completely with my palette knife. Similar but very different from both of theirs. Great afternoon of painting.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog. Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Friday, September 3, 2010

09/03/10 Texas Discovery Gardens

In case you missed it, Studio Art and Soul had a wonderful opening at The Texas Discovery Gardens last night. I tried to get pictures that made our paintings visible but it wasn't easy. We had quite a nice turn out and HATS OFF to Kay Wyne and Grant Schirpick for their sales last night.