Thursday, March 26, 2009
3/26/09 Going South
Most of our studio is going south to paint together at Mark and John's farm in Columbus. Had planned on going very early but woke up to pea-soup fog so decided to relax and have a few cups of coffee. Safety first. We will be down there for a few days and then on Saturday I'm leaving to meet friends in Roundtop,Texas for the semi-annual antique fair. Probably won't buy anything, but it is still fun to go and spend time with my friends, old and young.
Monday, March 16, 2009

This is my first oil painting. I am pretty happy with him. I had been told that the first attempt at oils usually turns out "muddy" so I chose to paint this little burrow that we saw on the way back from our Carol Marine workshop in Saledo. It's muddy to begin with so I felt successful! He was fun to do too.
Labels:latest paintings
Me and My Shadow
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I'm leav'in on an airplane for North Carolina on Tuesday. Going to visit my nephew, and godson,and his darling family. Hopefully you will get to see the results of some pictures I plan on taking. My great-nephew, Morgan (3 yrs. old), has a painting set and easel from his other grandparents so we will see if there is another artist in the McNally clan. Payton is only 1, so I'm not sure about her budding talent yet.
Finally finished my first oil painting! "Me and My Shadow" is pretty much a success. Will post later on today.
Labels:latest paintings
"I'm Leav'in On An Airplane...."
Sunday, March 8, 2009

This is an older picture I painted from open acrylics. I was pleased with the bright colors! This is what made me want to paint in oils.
Labels:latest paintings
pretty bird
Monday, March 2, 2009

When I did get to the studio I couldn't work on my donkey because he was still too wet so I used up the left-over paint on another little donkey face. He is cute but not done to my satisfaction. Hope I can work on "Me and My Shadow" tomorrow evening. I want him to be great so I have to work on being patient until he dries a little more.
Also took a photo of my Manequin head challenge. She looks like a Barbie doll ! This completes Karin Jurick's challenge. It felt like an assignment in college because I wasn't crazy about the photo.
Late getting to the studio ............... yesterday was Chibi's birthday. He is 5 years old. We had to go to the doctor to get a physical, which he passed with flying colors. He is very loving with me but has the rep of being an old curmudgeon that bites. The vet was shocked that with all the poking and shots,etc. that he didn't bite even once!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Decided to go to the studio today even though it is cold. Hard to get out but it is a new month and I am working on my FIRST oil painting! Kinda jumped the gun by naming it before I even paint it. "Me and My Shadow" - it will be a surprise, if I ever get it done.
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